Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Real Reason is...

In the most "FAQ" department as to "why i am doing the ride", it must be well over a 100 people who have thought my intent ranged from wanting quality time with my son to some kind of affirmation of life. Both are not wrong. But not totally right either.

The simple reason relates to what may have originated with the Kennedy's or they, like me, totally bought into the premise of and wanted to find ways to express the idea "with much given, much is expected". I know deep down just what i was given-to be here, living the life i actually have to live with my loved ones and just to be part of it all for however long. That's what the ride and life is all about-at least, to me. To be an activist in life for as long and as deeply as we can is the opportunity we all have. Unlike a lot of disposable stuff today, you don't get to do it over and get a new one. You just don't. One last thing on the "given" part- my wife Josana is supporting me 100% in everyway imaginable with helping me pay off this "expectation" i get to live up to!

That's why i am doing the ride. To fulfill an expectation that might positively influence others. Now aren't you glad you asked???

Time to ride...:)

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