Friday, July 31, 2009

2 am revelation..

You know, sometimes your best thoughts come late at night. This seems to be a trend among a lot of the people I know. Today was a good/bad day for many reasons. Let me start off saying it was good because it was finally the day that a close friend of mine realized that he no longer can live the fantasy life he's in. At some point in your life you need to be accountable for your actions, take responsibility, and the way I see it, learn from it. I hope that the time has finally come for this friend of mine, because the support network that he has behind him is larger then he can imagine. In my eyes, the problem lies in his belief in himself. I feel he does not know how strong he is, and how he effects others around him. All I can say is that I hope he knows that no matter what, there are people to support him, help him, and will be with him no matter what.

The reason why I felt this is appropriate for Live Life, Look Forward is because this fits in with our ideals, beliefs, thoughts, and everything we stand for. At some point in your life you find yourself lost, and with the help of others, you can get back on track, on the path of success, righteousness and the path that you were born to follow.

I say Life Live, Look Forward because, you only get so many second chances and as we all know, there comes a time when you just need to realize that you have to change eithor your lifestyle, your habits, your actions or even some parts about yourself. All I can say to this person is that, we are behind you 100%, no matter what, please understand that and most importantly, learn from everything and move forward. We may be hard with you, but the reason we do this is because we truly care about you.

The bad news, you know, I can't say anything is bad. The way I look at it, no matter what you can learn from anything that happens, you can look back and smile or look back and cry, but in the end, you take away something from it. Hence, there is no bad in my eyes.

So.... Live Life... Look Forward.. its a message, thought, belief, words of advice, slogan, title of this blog, 4 words, or anything you want it to be... it is something that we all can relate too...


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